NOW YOU SEE ME… (book1)
– Real strength is found behind closed doors –

Whitby, North Yorkshire – idyllic, peaceful, picturesque,
until a storm blew into town!

Jade Locke had no desire to fall in love, she was happily single and living life her own way, until Eric Sawyer arrived!
Suave, sophisticated, successful! Eric swept Jade off of her feet and the love that Jade had no time for, suddenly became everything to her.
Eric became everything to her.

How she would laugh at his random OCD moments and his little bursts of anger when she refused to follow his peculiar idiosyncrasies, after all, who really hangs up their clothes in colour order?
How she would nod with stars in her eyes when he kept her away from her friends, because they only needed each other, didn’t they?
How she would agree fully when he told her that she looked better without makeup, and that she should wear the clothes that he found her attractive in – he was the sophisticated one after all, so surely, he knew best? Right?

Yes, Eric was a charmer – but was he truly the man of Jade’s dreams, as he claimed to be?

NOW YOU DON’T (book 2)
– The sweetest smiles hide the darkest secrets –

Whitby, North Yorkshire – idyllic, peaceful, picturesque,
the perfect place to hide a secret?

An escape that ended with two men dead.
A woman hiding the deadliest of secrets.

When Jade Locke finally escaped the clutches of her abusive husband Eric, she never expected that one day she would be hiding his body, along with that of her lover, Jake, in a disused well.
But freedom was all that mattered to Jade. All she ever wanted was to go home.
She would not allow anyone to take that from her, no matter the cost.

So, when the first of many letters arrive from a stranger, professing to know exactly what she did in East Keswick, Jade has to wonder, just who has been watching her, and who can she really trust?

Can Jade’s secret truly stay hidden forever?

Whitby, North Yorkshire – idyllic, peaceful, picturesque,
Where home truly is where the heart is.

A kiss put on hold.
A family shattered.
A secret so deadly it would not be silenced.
What would it take to finally break her?

As her seven-year prison sentence comes to an end, Jade Locke knows that this is her chance to finally turn her misfortune around. Gordon, her not so secret love has big plans, her best-friend Heidi wants to drink and dance, and all Jade wants to do is paddle in the sea and eat fish and chips. But will the townsfolk of Whitby welcome her home, or will she be shunned?
Home is all she’s ever wanted.
And she will get what she wants, no matter the cost.

While You Were Sleeping  – COMING SOON!!!         
(Just how well do you know your spouse?)

Drunk and ever so slightly out of focus, Nancy Clarke had shook her alcohol pickled head when she heard her husband Ben, confessing to a murder in his sleep. She had, after all, consumed an awful lot of booze at Alison’s NYE party. But, the following day when Katelyn King’s face is plastered all over the internet – MISSING – she begins to wonder if she was indeed too hasty to dismiss what her husband had unconsciously disclosed.

How does Ben know Katelyn?
Did he at any point leave the party?
Is her husband a killer?

Nancy cannot answer any of the questions that are now plaguing her daily, but one thing is certain, she will not rest until she can.

Relentless – eBook only

She told me to write it all down. Everything that he has done to me, no matter how small the incident, I needed to record it. But he has no fear, no regard for the law. In his eyes he is unstoppable. In my eyes he is a monster, a freak. He truly is what nightmares are made of. I will try to remain calm; I will try to remain in control.
But at what point is it acceptable for a person to snap, to lose their mind in the red mist of rage? What happens when the hunted becomes the hunter?

ASYLUM – eBook only

Waking in Melrose Manor Psychiatric Hospital, Emily Baxter is shocked to discover that she stands accused of the death of her mother, and that her father has all but abandoned her. As Emily struggles to recall any memories of her life prior to Melrose Manor, she remains adamant that she is not the cause of her mother’s death, she is not crazy, and she will prove her innocence, even if it breaks her. Facing the possibility of never being freed, and enduring daily abuse at the hands of the nursing staff, Emily must stay strong if she is to fight back and escape. Emily has many questions, but each one is met with more lies, more confusion and more abuse. Is her mother really dead? Would her father have had her committed to a mental asylum? Why can’t she remember anything? Can she trust anyone?
Melrose Manor – the nightmare has just begun…

Deliciously Deceased – Book One – eBook only

Tiffany Delamarre has it all. The good looks, the money, the designer clothes, but when this is all snatched from her in the most brutal of ways she is not impressed! Finding herself dead and stuck in Heaven with a bossy angel that clearly despises her, a major ban on coffee and make up products and surrounded by plebs is just not Tiffany’s idea of a good time. Her situation soon becomes more dire however when she is told that she has a murderer to find. Will she be able to stop this crazed killer in time? Or will she become the reason that more people are killed? The only thing that Tiffany Delamarre knows for certain: Heaven sucks!

Delectably Departed – Book Two – eBook only

Tiffany Delamarre is very rich and very dead and she is on the case again. Pearl Beauty Spa & Detox Centre must be stopped! The owner is on the run, the products are lethal, and Jodie a friend of Tiffany’s boss is booked in for the full works at the behest of her pleb boyfriend Dwight. Can Tiffany locate the owner and put a stop to this madness? Can she get Jodie away from her loser boyfriend and save her life not only from the fatal beauty products, but also from Dwight’s cruel hands? She has a lot to do and limited time in which to do it. Surely then the Devil would not be of much help – would he?

Dynamically Dead – Book Three – eBook only

Tiffany Delamarre is dead and very much in demand! Finding herself once more assigned to a case of great mystery, she must work out why single ladies are being kidnapped from the newest and hottest place in town, L.U.V. With no leads and thankfully no bodies, Tiffany finds herself in a bit of a quandary. She must once again go undercover in a role that is so not to her liking… Tiffany Delamarre a hopeless, desperate singleton… Hardly!

Delightfully Defunct – Book Four – eBook only

When Tiffany accepted her fourth case since being murdered, she did not expect that it would involve actual dead bodies! Once again determined to solve the case and impress the ever-unimpressionable Celestia, Queen Bee of all things, well, celestial, Tiffany is less than impressed that she is to be sent undercover in a funeral home. How on earth is she supposed to work out which student is chopping up corpses and evenly distributing the severed limbs into already occupied coffins? How will her Jimmy Choos survive, not to mention her well-manicured nails? Tiffany Delamarre an embalming student? Hardly!

Elephants and Bubble Baths – eBook only

I didn’t mean to do it, genuinely I didn’t. I am blameless in this. Sort of. But now I must find some way of telling Samuel, my very loyal, loving, handsome – oh so handsome… Okay okay, sweet talking won’t get me anywhere – I need to find some way of telling Samuel about the mammoth mistake I have made, and I don’t think oops and a smile is going to cut it. How on earth do I tell Samuel that I have accidentally purchased a real-life baby elephant?!

Revo – The Battle of the Undead – eBook only
Written by: Emma L Beal & Paul Beal

Part 1: Eleven months ago, a virus spread across the world – The Necro Virus – and it turned pretty much everybody into a flesh-eating zombie. That was until scientists discovered a way to stop these urges, because who honestly wants a face muncher as a neighbour? The antidote? Vaping! There is something in vape juice that stops us all from losing our minds and going on a murderous rampage, which is great. What is not so great, however, the war of the vapes has now begun…
Part 2: In the small town of Morley things have changed. The Seven hills are rife with the deadly Necro Virus, and the locals are not the same anymore. Large compounds have been erected to allegedly keep the virus contained, however some locals are not convinced that the government are being entirely truthful! Shock! Things were bad enough before the initial infection, with zombies snacking on their nearest and dearest – but now the situation is much more dire. A new strain has emerged and despite the anti-zombie vape juice that Revo have successfully created, some zombies have decided to go rogue. The juice cannot help them now, they are beyond that. They are faster, more aggressive and they are hungry! It is now up to The Night Reapers to take care of these hideous beings and put a stop to the Meatheads once and for all.